Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cabbage chutney

This is really a tasty chutney.


cabbage   1 small
chillies 5-6
tamarind -2 inch(adjust accordingly)
coriander leaves  8-10strands

1.Heat pan.Add oil.Add chillies.Add coriander leaves
2.Add finely chopped cabbage.Keep it on low flame.cook it until it is soft.Stir in between.
3.Add coriander powder and saute it.Cover pan with lid.
4.Add tamarind cook until cabbage is soft completely .
5.Add salt and grind it to a paste.

*3 things make a chutney
chillies,tamarind,salt.Right amount of these three will make a nice chutney.
*Tindora or Donda kaya pachadi is also done the same way.
*The more spicer the chutney the more tastier it will be.